Gas station 42 LED lamp
Lighting characteristics
Electrical specifications
General characteristics
Gas station 42 lamp are used for lighting on Gas Stations. Power consumption from 220V AC is not more than 38W. Gas station 42 lamp is made with LEDs NF2L757DR-E of Japan company NICHIA. To increase the reliability the lamp is devided into electrically independent parts and has independent temperature control system. Housing is made of anodized aluminum profile with a large area of the heat sink. Protective glass of stabilized optical polycarbonate. It is recommended to use in places with high demands on reliability, with high level of vibration, humidity, where the energy saving is necessary. There is no stroboscopic effect, the light intensity is stable over the entire range of supply voltages. Up time is less than 1 sec. The lamp does not require additional maintenance over the service life of the (more than 20 years), only the periodic washing with a jet of water. Warranty period is 36 months. The main features of Gas station lamps:
LH - Parking - 110
LH - Parking - 150
LH - High bay - 100
ES Mall 14000-128-4-2850-1
Gas station 84 LED lamp
City 36 LED lamp